Even the very food you offer is essential to making sure people keep coming back to your park. Have a ride break down or repair crews delay its operation, and it will hurt the next influx of customers. Place the restrooms in the wrong place or have too few of them, and someone is going to leave a bad review. While almost every major tycoon game comes with a morale meter of some kind, here it is everything. Yet, what helps them stand out is the unique angle they take, as they focus less upon an industrial revolution or global domination over keeping your customers happy. Games like Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 keep many of the ideas, tropes and concepts which are true of many similar games from the need to constantly invest more cash to the need for extremely careful planning. It keeps going until you're having to get down a very careful balancing act between building up your city and fixing up the cracks in your financial empire. Any step forwards feels truly earned, and a your business grows in size, as do your responsibilities. There is no moment where you're not given a chance to sit back and have the game work itself, and in an odd way that's what helps other games like Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 truly stand out. You have people to fire, customers to attract, things to fix, and deals to make. Keeping any industry working from day to day is a challenging business.