But most importantly, sticking an Rtila within range of a reinforced hatch allows defenders to protect them against breachers above. Placed strategically, a single Rtila can do the work of three or four Bandit batteries: simultaneously zapping a wall, two bandit wires, and a deployable shield. Its simple function makes it viable for all sorts of defenses. When latched onto any surface, Kaid’s three Rtilas will electrocute anything within their short range. His slower pace is an important distinction here, because his gadget, the Rtila Electroclaw, competes directly with Bandit’s Shock Wire batteries.
He’s the third 3-armor defender added this year, cementing Year 3 as the year of the anchor. Kaidįor Siege veterans, Kaid will definitely raise a few eyebrows. Both new Moroccan operators are fascinating and strong, but their capabilities raise interesting questions about Siege’s meta going forward. Earlier this week, I spent a few hours with Wind Bastion and came away both excited and a little nervous. Rainbow Six Siege’s Operation Wind Bastion has finally been properly revealed, giving us a much better look at new operators Nomad and Kaid as well as Siege’s newest map: Fortress.